--The Debian package for distcc 2.12.1-2 does not contain survey.txt; in
addition, this link ( http://ftp.samba.org/ftp/unpacked/distcc/survey.txt )
generates a Not Found error.  Not sure if this is the right place to send the
survey, so pls be gentle; I'm just incredibly grateful to have discovered the
distcc project.

0. What version of distcc are you using? 

distcc 2.12.1-2 (Deb pkg) on all machines, gcc 2.95 on all machines. 

1. Your name and email address: 

Dave Bechtel

2. OK to publish this? 

Yes / no email pls

3. Your codebase: lines of code (by wc -l), and language: 

Linux Kernel 2.6.4 

4. Your machines: number, OS, processor, memory, network connectivity: 

(3) machines, connected via (2) 100Mbit Ethernet switches:

o 1. p901 / Knoppix HDInstall (Debian), kernel 2.4.24 / AMD Duron 900 MHz
(1789.13 BogoMips) / 512 MB / 100Mb

o 2. p233 / Knoppix HDInstall (Debian), kernel 2.4.25 / Intel Pentium-1 233MHz
(466.94 BogoMips)  / 256 MB / 100Mb

o 3. p166 / Knoppix HDInstall (Debian), kernel 2.6.3 / Intel Pentium-1 166 MHz
 (325.83 BogoMips) / 164 MB / 100Mb (NOTE: No DMA on HD; this is a Laptop)

5. Time to compile, with and without distcc: 

Distcc setup:
[[ ' distccd --daemon --nice 1 -j 2 ' on all 3 machines;
Host Order: localhost(p166), p901, p233

o The compile was started from p166, which contained the source code.
Patched kernel 2.6.3 to compile 2.6.4...  Edited Makefile and changed:
#CC             = $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc
CC              = $(CROSS_COMPILE)distcc

With distcc: ' cd /usr/src/linux; make -s -j6 '
Result: 43 Minutes

WITHOUT distcc, compiling only on the P166: Over 2 HOURS (approx, from memory)

6. Any other observations: 

You guys ROCK.  Keep up the good work!!  This was my first attempt at *any*
kind of distributed computing, and you-all have made it EASY.  This is also my
1st-ever successful cross-compile; previous attempts to compile a kernel
intended for an Intel processor on AMD hardware, had failed.  Thank you so
much -- distcc totally made my day.

Contents above ThisLine (C)ThisYear KingNeutron Ltd.
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