I've been toying with the following idea, which combines load balancing
with fsh-like connection caching.  Let's call it lbfsh.

I think that would be pretty handy, even if we end up improving
the built in balancer. In particular it would let people shift
any old task onto a remote machine, which is a frequently
requested feature for distcc.

So it means just "run this somewhere, I don't care where", kind
of like some cluster tools.


Hardcode the socket to ~/.lbfsh/socket.  (Well, maybe have an
option to override.)  If the client finds there's no daemon
listening, it forks one.

I suppose. Makes me a bit nervous somehow to have daemons started behind my back, though. If autoforking the daemon was a good idea, the ssh guys would have had ssh-agent autofork off of ssh, I bet. Hey, come to think of it, maybe ssh-agent should be the local daemon! And, if you're serious about using ssh for remote command execution from scripts, you're probably running ssh-agent anyway. (See e.g. http://mah.everybody.org/docs/ssh )

Rather than ignoring the host argument I think you should pass it
through to the daemon, which uses it to select a group of hosts.
If there is exactly one host, then this works like a faster
version of fsh. You might look up the hosts names either from a
local configuration or a multi-A DNS record or a Rendezvous

Yup. It had occurred to me.

I like what you say in http://distcc.samba.org/faq.html#use-fsh
about "So to make this work well, somebody either needs to rewrite
the short-lived part of fsh in C, or write a replacement in C.
I think the SSH2 protocol in fact allows for this to be done natively,
so you could also hack OpenSSH to allow adding new channels within an existing 

certainly does make it sound like new sessions can be added on the fly.

The idea of taking openssh and adding fsh-like abilities
and load-management abilities right into it is appealing.

- Dan

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