On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Daniel Kegel wrote:

> Martin Eisenhardt wrote:
> > will the two pathces for the randomization of distcc's host list and the
> > setting of a connection timeout be merged into the main trunk of distcc?
> > If so, when will that happen?
> I'm all for the randomization patch being merged :-)
> but which timeout patch are you referring to?  I see two:
>   http://lists.samba.org/archive/distcc/2002q4/000376.html,

That's the one I was thinking about; just set an environment variable to
the number of (m)secs of the timeout.

> which uses 'alarm', and
>   http://lists.samba.org/archive/distcc/2003q2/001097.html,
> which uses 'select'.

I wasn't aware of that one, thanks.
> > The reason for my "merge request" is that I want to use distcc in Gentoo
> > without having to patch the sources. Since I use my university's computer
> > lab to do some compiling and not all computer's are always available, both
> > the randomization and the possibility to set a short timeout value would
> > greatly enhance distcc's usability.
> Sound reasonable to me.  How many hosts are in your cluster?
> And are they all roughly the same performance?

There are as many as 25 [EMAIL PROTECTED], one 2-way server with [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
couple of desktop systems across the department. All systems are running
Gentoo, the computers in the lab are Windows-infected (that's why they
aren't always availale, grrrrr).

> MfG

German influences? (Mfg = Mit freundlichen Gruessen?)

> Dan

Kind regards

Dipl.-Wirtsch. Inf. Martin Eisenhardt

Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät Mathematik und Physik
Fachbereich Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Informatik I
D-95440 Bayreuth

fon  : +49 (921) 55 3314
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www  : http://ai1.inf.uni-bayreuth.de
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