On Saturday 18 December 2004 11:59, Jean Delvare wrote:
> > PS: Our monitoring tool :-)
> > #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> >
> > while(1)
> >         {
> >         print scalar(gmtime()) . "\n" ;
> >         print `distccmon-text` ;
> >         sleep(1) ;
> >         }
> Hint:
> watch -n 1 distccmon-text
> (And also "distccmon 1". It could be discussed whether adding a
> timestamp to the output of distccmon-text itself in "repeat mode" would
> be convenient.)

Nifty utility this 'watch', thanks. The problem with 'distccmon-text 
1' (except the fact that it's bloody long to type) is that when nothing is 
going on the terminal is completely empty.

Cheers, Nadim
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