On 20 Dec 2004, nadim khemir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
> > I don't understand the problem.  What's wrong with having a zombie
> > present for a short period of time?

> That was about 30 seconds, but as I wrote before this is most certainly due
> to an error we had in our code (socket flushing, etc..).

Let me know if you can reproduce it, particularly if you can get a
verbose log out.

> My bad, I have a '-dr' switch in my command line and gcc puts the generated
> files in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] current directory which happends to be $TMP on 
> a server
> machine but in my source tree on the client machine.

OK, distcc (in arch head, will be 2.18.4) now runs anything with -d
locally.  This will at least make it correct.  Bringing the debug
output back from the remote machine will require a protocol change.
(Is it really worth it?  How many people do all their builds with
compiler debugging turned on?)

> I use the files with Egypt (available on the net), Lybia (own tool, very
> simple) and Tunisia (also own tool under development)


That's clever.


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