
I'm not sure what you are asking for, but I have compiled on machine pluto with the same configuration, and when it chooses jupiter, the compiles go through fine.

Reminder: when I compile on jupiter and distcc chooses jupiter, I get the errors.  If I start the compile on pluto, and distcc chooses jupiter, the compile is fine.  Same code in the same location on the file system, same compilers, same instances of distccd's running on jupiter.


Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/2/06, Victor Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a problem right now with my distcc not being able to run
> compiles in which it chooses a distccd that happens to be on the same
> machine. Whenever the local machine is chosen, the distcc verbose output
> shows:
> distcc[7434] (dcc_connect_by_addr) started connecting to
> distcc[7434] ERROR: failed to connect to File exists

Interesting. Before you dive in to fixing it, though,
can you remove the local machine from the host list?
(distcc ought to do that for you, but it's hard to figure out how to
do that programmatically...)

> dcc_connect_by_addr() does not do a close() on the fd ever. Is this
> a problem?

no, because the client exits every time, and the OS closes the fd then.
- Dan

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