On Monday 10 July 2006 00:43, Martin Pool wrote:
> On  9 Jul 2006, James Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Something like this?
> More like
>   distcc g++ -o file1.o file1.cpp [myparameters] &
>   distcc g++ -o file2.o file2.cpp [myparameters] &
>   distcc g++ -o file3.o file3.cpp [myparameters] &
>   wait; wait; wait
>   ld -o executable file1.o file2.o file3.o
So that would do three compiles with distcc, then wait for them to finish, 
then link them. Just out of interest, how does wait know which three 
processes I want to wait for? The last three I started?

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