
I recently setup a three-node distcc setup. Each node has distccd running, and a cross-compile toolchain installed in /opt/toolchain.

I am able to, on each host, launch my cross-compiler like this:
arch-linux-gcc test.c -o test.o

And it works.

However, when I try to run distcc from one of the hosts like this:
distcc arch-linux-gcc -c test.c

It gives me the following output on that box:
distccd[31971] (dcc_execvp) ERROR: failed to exec arch-linux-gcc: No such file or directory
distcc[30567] ERROR: compile test.c on laplab1:Segmentation fault
distcc[30567] Warning: failed to distribute test.c to laplab1, running locally instead

The file compiles locally, but doesn't seem to use the remote host to compile.

In the remote host log (/var/log/distccd.log) the following was output:
distccd[31795] (dcc_check_client) connection from
distccd[31795] compile from test.c to test.o
distccd[31795] (dcc_r_file_timed) 78 bytes received in 0.000119s, rate 640kB/s distccd[31795] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.000000s, system 0.000999s, 79 minflt, 0 majflt
distccd[31795] arch-linux-gcc test.c on localhost:Segmentation fault
distccd[31795] job complete

Anyone have any ideas what might be going wrong? I assume this has to be some kind of misconfiguration... but so far looking at the distcc docs and web searching hasn't turned up any obvious mistakes.

Both hosts are using distcc version 2.18.3.

Thanks kindly,


Daniel Jabbour
Software Engineer
Laptouch, Inc.

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