On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Daniel Jabbour <dan...@laptouchinc.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently setup a three-node distcc setup. Each node has distccd running,
> and a cross-compile toolchain installed in /opt/toolchain.
> I am able to, on each host, launch my cross-compiler like this:
> arch-linux-gcc test.c -o test.o
> And it works.
> However, when I try to run distcc from one of the hosts like this:
> distcc arch-linux-gcc -c test.c
> It gives me the following output on that box:
> distccd[31971] (dcc_execvp) ERROR: failed to exec arch-linux-gcc: No such
> file or directory

Knee-jerk reaction is that arch-linux-gcc isn't in DISTCC_PATH (or the PATH
variable of the environment where the daemon is running).  When you start
the daemon on the slaves, are you seeing anything in the log about the *PATH

That's just a guess, though.  Not based on any significant amount of thought
/ consideration.  :-)


> distcc[30567] ERROR: compile test.c on laplab1:Segmentation fault
> distcc[30567] Warning: failed to distribute test.c to laplab1, running
> locally instead
> The file compiles locally, but doesn't seem to use the remote host to
> compile.
> In the remote host log (/var/log/distccd.log) the following was output:
> distccd[31795] (dcc_check_client) connection from
> distccd[31795] compile from test.c to test.o
> distccd[31795] (dcc_r_file_timed) 78 bytes received in 0.000119s, rate
> 640kB/s
> distccd[31795] (dcc_collect_child) cc times: user 0.000000s, system
> 0.000999s, 79 minflt, 0 majflt
> distccd[31795] arch-linux-gcc test.c on localhost:Segmentation fault
> distccd[31795] job complete
> Anyone have any ideas what might be going wrong? I assume this has to be
> some kind of misconfiguration... but so far looking at the distcc docs and
> web searching hasn't turned up any obvious mistakes.
> Both hosts are using distcc version 2.18.3.
> Thanks kindly,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Jabbour
> Software Engineer
> Laptouch, Inc.
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