Try setting DISTCC_VERBOSE=1... that should give some more clues.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Zhang, Kevin W. (NSN - CN/Hangzhou) <> wrote:

>  Hi, dear distcc experts:
> How are you? dear all. Sorry to trouble you.  I have one question to report
> to you and pls give me some advice about this. I'm now using distcc to try
> to build my source codes in windriver platform.  My operating system is
> WINDOWS 2003 server. I use CYGWIN 1.7beta to make distcc source code.
> Distcc version is 3.1(both client and server). Its downloading page is here:
> ****<>
> Name is distcc-3.1.tar.bz2
> Following the distcc installation guide, firstly I use make.exe in cygwin
> to create distcc.exe, distccd.exe and distccmon-text.exe etc. executable
> files.  Now I am working in windriver vxworks-6.7 version environment. To
> set client environment in WINDOWS system.
> DISTCC_DIR=c:\apps\distcc\distcc_dir
> TMPDIR=c:\apps\distcc\distcc_tmp_dir
> run distccd in the same machine
> set DISTCC_BIN=C:\APPS\distcc
> set DISTCC_DIR=C:\APPS\distcc\distcc_dir
> set TMPDIR=%DISTCC_BIN%\distcc_tmp_dir
> distccd --allow --port 3699 --daemon --no-detach
> --log-file=%DISTCC_BIN%/distccd_vx67.log --nice 6 --verbose
> Then in client I input this command:
> make CPU=SIMNU TOOL=gnu CC="distcc cc$(TOOLENV)" -j2
> note: CPU, TOOL and CC is MARCO of vxworks-6.7. It has the nearly same
> effect as
> make -j2 CC=distcc
> So error information popups like this following, which tells me
> ccpentium.exe compiler(a transplanting compiler of gcc in windriver
> platform) no input file. The precompilation process failed to pass. Don't
> mention sending preprocess results to remote machine. I think it's possibly
> caused by these two lines
> distcc ccpentium -mtune=i486 -march=i486 -ansi  -O2 -nostdlib -fno-builtin
> -fno-defer-pop -Wall  -IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h
> -IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h/wrn/coreip   -DCPU=SIMNT
> -D_VSB_CONFIG_FILE=\"D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/h/config/vsbConfig.h\"
> -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss   -MD  -c -o
> D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objaim/aimMmuShow.o
> aimMmuShow.c
> I don't know what's the reason for? I have a look at FAQ of distcc. I
> notice -MD may not work rightly by compiler gcc 3.0 or later. Detailed
> information is as
> **** <>
> *Problems with gcc -MD*
>  So I don't know if it's the root cause. Because it's difficult to modify
> windriver makefile to replace -MD with -MF, I can't verify if my idear is
> right.  The gcc version of Windriver is using is 4.1.2. So it's later of
> 3.0.
> Another reason I doubt the command line length is a little long. So distcc
> only intercept front part of options and .c file name at the end  is lost.
> So it tells me no input file.
> So what's the definite reason for this strange thing. I remove distcc
> prefix, then everything is OK. Compilation is no problem.******
> *Build Started in Project 'vsb_test':   2009-09-16 18:24:28*
> *Platform: Wind River VxWorks 6.7*
> *Command: make "CC=distcc cc$(TOOLENV)"*
> *Working Directory: D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test*
> cd C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src &&
> C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT TOOL=gnu
> VSB_DIR=D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test BSPNAME=simpc _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard
> make.exe[1]: Entering directory `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj
> cd arch && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
> TOOL=gnu _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard
> make.exe[2]: Entering directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj
> cd simnt && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe
> make.exe[3]: Entering directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/simnt'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objarch
> updating D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/libarch.a
> cd math && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
> TOOL=gnu _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard
> make.exe[4]: Entering directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/simnt/math'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objarch
> updating D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/libarch.a
> make.exe[4]: Leaving directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/simnt/math'
> make.exe[3]: Leaving directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/simnt'
> cd doc && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
> TOOL=gnu _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard
> make.exe[3]: Entering directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/doc'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj
> make.exe[3]: Leaving directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch/doc'
> make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/arch'
> cd aim && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
> TOOL=gnu _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard
> make.exe[2]: Entering directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/aim'
> mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objaim
> distcc ccpentium -mtune=i486 -march=i486 -ansi  -O2 -nostdlib -fno-builtin
> -fno-defer-pop -Wall  -IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h
> -IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h/wrn/coreip   -DCPU=SIMNT
> -D_VSB_CONFIG_FILE=\"D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/h/config/vsbConfig.h\"
> -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss   -MD  -c -o
> D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objaim/aimMmuShow.o
> aimMmuShow.c
> ccpentium.exe: no input files
> distcc[668] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed
> make.exe[2]: ***
> [D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objaim/aimMmuShow.o] Error 1
> make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
> `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src/aim'
> make.exe[1]: *** [aim] Error 2
> make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src'
> C:\APPS\WindRiver\utilities-1.0\x86-win32\bin\make.exe: ***
> [_target_gnuSIMNT_fooC_/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src] Error 2
> *Build Failed in Project 'vsb_test' (Process Exit Value was 2):
> 2009-09-16 18:24:29   (Elapsed Time: 00:01)*
> *Best regards*
> *Kevin in NSN*
> __
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