Ok, thanks for you kind reply. I have already solved this problem.
Thanks anyway.
Best regards


From: ext Fergus Henderson [mailto:fer...@google.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 7:27 AM
To: Zhang, Kevin W. (NSN - CN/Hangzhou)
Cc: distcc@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [distcc] Hi, I report one error information DISTCC made in
CYGWIN and used to compile in windriver platform

Try setting DISTCC_VERBOSE=1... that should give some more clues.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Zhang, Kevin W. (NSN - CN/Hangzhou)
<kevin.w.zh...@nsn.com> wrote:

        Hi, dear distcc experts: 

        How are you? dear all. Sorry to trouble you.  I have one
question to report to you and pls give me some advice about this. I'm
now using distcc to try to build my source codes in windriver platform.
My operating system is WINDOWS 2003 server. I use CYGWIN 1.7beta to make
distcc source code.  Distcc version is 3.1(both client and server). Its
downloading page is here:

        Name is distcc-3.1.tar.bz2 

        Following the distcc installation guide, firstly I use make.exe
in cygwin to create distcc.exe, distccd.exe and distccmon-text.exe etc.
executable files.  Now I am working in windriver vxworks-6.7 version
environment. To set client environment in WINDOWS system.


        run distccd in the same machine 
        set DISTCC_BIN=C:\APPS\distcc 
        set DISTCC_DIR=C:\APPS\distcc\distcc_dir 
        set TMPDIR=%DISTCC_BIN%\distcc_tmp_dir 
        distccd --allow --port 3699 --daemon --no-detach
--log-file=%DISTCC_BIN%/distccd_vx67.log --nice 6 --verbose 

        Then in client I input this command: 
        make CPU=SIMNU TOOL=gnu CC="distcc cc$(TOOLENV)" -j2 

        note: CPU, TOOL and CC is MARCO of vxworks-6.7. It has the
nearly same effect as 
        make -j2 CC=distcc 

        So error information popups like this following, which tells me
ccpentium.exe compiler(a transplanting compiler of gcc in windriver
platform) no input file. The precompilation process failed to pass.
Don't mention sending preprocess results to remote machine. I think it's
possibly caused by these two lines

        distcc ccpentium -mtune=i486 -march=i486 -ansi  -O2 -nostdlib
-fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -Wall
-IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h/wrn/coreip   -DCPU=SIMNT
-fno-zero-initialized-in-bss   -MD  -c -o

        I don't know what's the reason for? I have a look at FAQ of
distcc. I notice -MD may not work rightly by compiler gcc 3.0 or later.
Detailed information is as 

        Problems with gcc -MD 
         So I don't know if it's the root cause. Because it's difficult
to modify windriver makefile to replace -MD with -MF, I can't verify if
my idear is right.  The gcc version of Windriver is using is 4.1.2. So
it's later of 3.0.

        Another reason I doubt the command line length is a little long.
So distcc only intercept front part of options and .c file name at the
end  is lost. So it tells me no input file. 

        So what's the definite reason for this strange thing. I remove
distcc prefix, then everything is OK. Compilation is no problem.

        Build Started in Project 'vsb_test':   2009-09-16 18:24:28 
        Platform: Wind River VxWorks 6.7 
        Command: make "CC=distcc cc$(TOOLENV)" 
        Working Directory: D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test 
        cd C:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src &&
C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
VSB_DIR=D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test BSPNAME=simpc _WRS_CONFIG_FP=hard

        make.exe[1]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj 
        cd arch &&
C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
        make.exe[2]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj 
        cd simnt &&
C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
        make.exe[3]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objarch 
        cd math &&
C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe CPU=SIMNT
        make.exe[4]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objarch 
        make.exe[4]: Leaving directory
        make.exe[3]: Leaving directory
        cd doc && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe
        make.exe[3]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/obj 
        make.exe[3]: Leaving directory
        make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
        cd aim && C:/APPS/WindRiver/utilities-1.0/x86-win32/bin/make.exe
        make.exe[2]: Entering directory
        mkdir -p D:/Workspace/kevin/vsb_test/simpc/SIMNT/common/objaim 
        distcc ccpentium -mtune=i486 -march=i486 -ansi  -O2 -nostdlib
-fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -Wall
-IC:/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/h/wrn/coreip   -DCPU=SIMNT
-fno-zero-initialized-in-bss   -MD  -c -o

        ccpentium.exe: no input files 
        distcc[668] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed 
        make.exe[2]: ***
Error 1 
        make.exe[2]: Leaving directory
        make.exe[1]: *** [aim] Error 2 
        make.exe[1]: Leaving directory
        C:\APPS\WindRiver\utilities-1.0\x86-win32\bin\make.exe: ***
[_target_gnuSIMNT_fooC_/APPS/WindRiver/vxworks-6.7/target/src] Error 2

        Build Failed in Project 'vsb_test' (Process Exit Value was 2):
2009-09-16 18:24:29   (Elapsed Time: 00:01) 

        Best regards 
        Kevin in NSN 

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