At 03:47 PM 7/27/2007 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
>I'm trying to package an rpm for enthought kiva.  The regular
>uses the numpy distutils because of some cpp functions that have to be
>compiled and are somehow tied to numpy.
>Someone recently did a "build in place" program that uses the existing
> (that I renamed and builds the .so files in
>the regular source directory hierarchy.  I did that and then tried to run
>setuptools (python bdist_rpm) using a straightforward
>It included all the python files but missed the *.so files.  I can run
>kiva examples if I manually put the *.so files into the proper place in
>site-packages, so I know they are needed.
>I tried including
>  packages = find_packages(),
>  package_data = {'': ['*.so']},
>in the, but it still missed the *.so files.
>What am I doing wrong?

You don't want package_data.  setup() needs to actually list the 
extensions.  More precisely, the distutils "install_lib" command 
needs to install the extensions when requested to do so by bdist_rpm.

The preceding applies to any distutils setup, not just setuptools.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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