Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 03:15 PM 7/30/2007 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
>> I don't need to build the .so files.  They are already built.  That had to
>> be done using the build-in-place and the numpy distutils for reasons I
>> don't fully understand but are related to the use of numpy.
> Have you tried building them with setuptools, using the numpy 
> distutils 'build_ext' command, using:
>     setup(
>        cmdclass = dict(build_ext = numpy_build_ext_class_here),
>        ext_modules = list_of_Extension_objects,
>        ...
>     )
> Unless there is a radical difference between numpy distutils and the 
> regular distutils, you should be able to do this.  Just find numpy's 
> "build_ext" class, and define the appropriate Extension() objects 
> (for the things to build) in your setup script.  Setuptools will then 
> delegate the building to numpy, but handle the installing itself.
> Again, this is assuming that numpy's distutils extensions don't do 
> anything unfriendly like completely redefine how extension objects 
> work or assume that their commands will be only mixed with other 
> numpy commands.  (Setuptools doesn't make such assumptions, and tries 
> to leave the normal distutils stuff alone as much as possible.)

I think we're getting into confusing territory by trying to get workarounds for
workarounds. Let me try to take us a step back and focus on the initial problem
which is that bdist_rpm is not working with enthought.kiva. The existing setup
script already does build extensions just fine; they're just not being picked up
by bdist_rpm. A suggestion from a coworker of mine prompted Stanley to look at
using a script that we have for building enthought.kiva inplace (there are a few
more options that are needed beyond "python develop"); however, it
wasn't really a suggestion to use that as basis for building an RPM.

numpy.distutils extends distutils in three ways which are important for

  * automatically adds the location of the numpy headers to the include_dirs of
Extensions. (easily replaced)

  * adds a build_src command that allows users to give Python functions in the
sources list of an Extension. These functions will be called to actually
generate the real source files. (hard to replace)

  * allows subpackages to have their own build information which is assembled by
the top-level script. This is mostly legacy from when the enthought
package was monolithic and doesn't strictly need to continue. I won't go into
details since I don't think it's part of the problem. (straightforward, but
time-consuming to replace)

numpy.distutils tries hard to not step on setuptools' toes. We actually check if
setuptools is in sys.modules and use its command classes instead of distutils'
as the base classes for our commands. However, it's possible that neglect of our
bdist_rpm implementation has caused the implementations to diverge and some
toe-stepping has taking place.

The main problem is that bdist_rpm is not working on enthought.kiva. Most
likely, this is the fault of numpy.distutils. However, this is a bug that needs
to be caught and fixed. Working around it by doing an --inplace build and then
trying to include the extension modules as package_data is not likely to work
and is not a solution.

I'm not usually a Redhat guy, so I don't have much experience with bdist_rpm;
however, numpy.distutils has had problems with bdist_rpm in the past. I'm trying
to get an environment working on a Redhat machine, and will try to build an RPM
for enthought.kiva and try to see the problem first-hand. I've looked over
Stanley's emails on the subject, and don't see enough information for me to
really pin down the problem.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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