Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Tres Seaver wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Chris Withers wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>  >
>> The standard installs for repoze.zope2, repoze.grok, repoze.plone, etc.
>> all assume a virtualenv, and add scripts which turn the vanilla
>> virtualenv into an "instance."
> The problem I have with virtualenv - or rather, with raw setuptools 
> based solutions - is that it's difficult to uninstall eggs. With 
> buildout, once you remove the requirement/egg line and re-run buildout, 
> the egg is no longer installed.

I usually edit site-packages/easy_install.pth and delete the line that points 
the egg.  And either delete the egg, or not.

> That said, I like virtualenv and use it a lot. I just think it solves a 
> slightly different use case from the "repeatable configuration 
> management system" one that buildout tries to solve.

It does indeed handle uninstall which lots of other things don't.

- C

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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