Chris McDonough wrote:
> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>>>> Tres Seaver wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Chris Withers wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>> I usually edit site-packages/easy_install.pth and delete the line that 
>>> points to 
>>> the egg.  And either delete the egg, or not.
>> That file's fairly cryptic 
> It's one path per line.  Doesn't get too much simpler than that.   .pth files 
> have been around forever (almost literally, they have been around since I 
> started using Python anyway, 7 years ago) and are documented pretty well in 
> the 
> Python docs:
>> and the chances of screwing something up 
>> there I think are higher than in the more user-oriented buildout.cfg.
> True, at least if you trust the recipe authors.  Although deleting a line 
> isn't 
> very hard.

Knowing which line to delete may be. ;)

>> Also, does deleting egg A in easy_install.pth cause any eggs that were 
>> installed as dependencies of A but are no longer needed to go as well?
> No.

Right. Which means that there are lots of eggs there that you won't know 
whether you need to delete or not and some very bad things may happen if 
you delete the wrong one (or bad things may be happening already due to 
a dependency that got installed by accident and that you need to delete).


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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