At 09:58 AM 10/7/2008 +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
2008/10/7 Phillip J. Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> This is a really frustrating aspect of setuptools, that pure-Python
>> packages produce version-specific installers.
> Actually, that's not setuptools' fault in this case; I specifically make the
> .exe's version-specific because they have different contents.  Different
> versions of Python include different distutils commands, and setuptools
> needs to install different things.  So even though it's "pure" Python (ha!)
> it is still Python-version specific.

Not sure I follow this. I see this in bdist_wininst installers, so
distutils commands shouldn't be relevant (?)

I'm saying that setuptools' own bdist_wininst installer is version specific because setuptools itself includes different code (and different script names, e.g. "easy_install-2.x") depending on the Python version. So, even though setuptools is "pure Python", its bdist_wininst files are version-specific.

This does not have anything to do with packages that simply *use* setuptools; if you make a bdist_wininst of some non-setuptools package, it will not be version specific unless you include C code.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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