On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 20:55:11 -0400, Jean-Paul Calderone
> I think you should flesh out your proposal a bit more:

Thanks Jean-Paul, I can do that.

>   3) Lose the stuff about setup.cfg - where configuration data goes can
>      the same regardless of what the Python API looks like.

Very true. It simply becomes an issue of persistence.

>   4) pre_setup and post_setup don't seem to need to exist.  If the main
>      setup entry-point is a class with some methods, then subclasses can
>      override these methods to do things before and after them; special
>      support isn't required.

I can see your point. I'll investigate it further in my own time.

> Also, I think you were having trouble figuring out how to make a new sub-
> page on the wiki.  If you just visit an URL ..
> hen you can link to it from the proposals page.

Yes that seems to work.

Thanks Jean Paul

I'll go away and do that.

Take care

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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