On Mon, 17 Aug 2009 09:34:56 +0200, Tarek Ziadé <ziade.ta...@gmail.com>
> Now for the name of the file, I wouldn't want yet another file since
> we already have
> setup.cfg and since it can be extended w/o any problem or bacward
> compatibility issue.

The only issue here is that the "new" setup.metadata file that gets
sent to pypi won't contain all the private build stuff that is in
the developers setup.cfg file.

As I understand and correct me if I'm wrong, but there's all sorts
of options that you can build in for all the different platforms.

The developer won't want all the (irrelevent) stuff sent out..

> I am also realizing that we can use it to describe "static metadata"
> almost with the
> existing distutils code.

Yes. I would agree with that.

> We can use the [global] section of the setup.cfg file to describe them.


> If we want to remove all metadata expressed as setup() arguments, we
> can just move them
> to the setup.cfg.

Yes, good thinking.

> example of setup.cfg file:
> """
> [global]
> name: foo
> version: 1.0
> author: tarek
> long_description: some
>   long description
>   here
> url: http://example.com
> """
> What's left in setup.py :
> """
> from distutils.core import setup
> setup()
> """

Exactly, that's how simple it should be.

> I've changed this in my working trunk to give a try, and it works fine.
> the long_description field is expressed as a multi-line field following
> the config parser convention so no problem for it (see my example)


> Although there's another change we need to apply and decide : being
> able to express a
> list of values, for fields like "keywords" or "classifiers".

file1 = abc.txt
file2 = def.txt

You can get all the keys in "[Files]" in a list in the configparser

> Any thoughts ?

You are having good thoughts...


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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