Tarek Ziadé wrote:
- I've never had to use anything that would require the kind of templating
being discussed here, so please make setup.cfg "just work" if setup.cfg.in
isn't there.

That's the case

Yay :-)

- I think any kind of templating language is *way to heavyweight*. If you
need anything more than simple string substitution, then the code should be
in setup.py

Well, the point is to be able to define sections in a static file that
will be used without
having to execute any code in the distribution.

For example being able to express:

"if the target python is version 2.6 the dependencies are ..."

The goal is to be able to run that part on a vanilla Python. without
having to rely on the distribution's setup.py

Seems like a bad goal to me.

I'd prefer setup.cfg to be totally static. If there are complicated if/then/else's needed, they should be in setup.py.

As soon as this file becomes dynamic, we're back in the situation where you can't tell what a package requires without installing it, which is something I'd really like to not have to do.



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
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