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Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> With proposal of tracking which packages are installed as a dependency
> of other packages and automaticly uninstalling them when the package
> that depends on them gets uninstalled 

Allow me to note (again) that the current proposal is ONLY part A
(tracking). Part B ("automatically uninstalling...") is left completely
unspecified, and would depend on what uninstaller tools choose to do
with this metadata. I am NOT proposing that the basic uninstall function
built in to distutils would automatically remove orphans.

Unless you would argue that there are NO reasonable use-cases for
detection of orphan dependencies, I would hope you could at least
support tracking the data.

> This does make it harder to uninstall something like TurboGears that
> installs lots of dependencies, but it should be possible to write a tool
> that makes that easier. One way to do this in a GUI-ish manner is to
> have a "show dependencies" checkbox when you uninstall a package, this
> would then show all dependencies and allow easy selection of them for
> deinstallation.
> This gets you simular functionality as tracking explictly requested
> installs without needing additional metadata.

I don't agree that the functionality is comparable. I haven't yet seen
an argument against simply tracking REQUESTED metadata; can you agree
that at the very least the ability to _list_ orphaned packages could be
useful, apart from any kind of automatic uninstall behavior?

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