On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 01:53:48 +0200, Tarek Ziadé <ziade.ta...@gmail.com>

> So far.. so good. It's basically what we proposed earlier in PEP 390, but
> for
> the distribution, the desktop (kde, etc)... 
> That would require a new
> stdlib module that would be very hard to implement and maintain since
> it's a fast moving ground.

I didn't see your pep for a new hard to implement stdlib module.. 

What number PEP was that? :-)

Jokes aside, these desktops are easy to check for with one line of
python code.

It's either an environment variable or a configuration file.

For example:

  if os.environ['KDEDIR'] <> '':

That's a pretty good check to see if KDE is installed and running
and won't bomb out, even if you try running it on windows.

Most of these environment variables haven't changed in the last
10 years or more. I'd assert that there are some very static
environment variables in these linux window managers.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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