On 17 Feb 2013 05:11, "Chris Withers" <ch...@simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> On 28/01/2013 18:21, Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi.
>> In a project I'm working on, I use git, and I'm trying to follow the
>> versioning scheme used by the git project (since it is very pratical).
>> To summarize, git version is generated from the output of
>> "git describe" command, replacing the '-' character with '.'.
>> git describe returns a string formed by using the most recent tag
>> (e.g. 1.8.1, 1.8.1.rc1), and adding the number of revisions after that
>> tag, and the short ID of the current revision
>> (e.g v1.8.1-301-ga0df26f).
>> So, a version may be something like: v1.8.1.301.ga0df26f
>> It seems that this versioning scheme is not compatible with PEP 386 "new
>> versioning scheme". Is this true?
> I hope not, can someone comment on this?
> We need to deal with hashes-in-versions as both Git and Mercurial are
likely to have this...

It's deliberately incompatible - we don't want installers (for wheel in
particular) to have to guess about the version ordering for every
versioning scheme on the planet.

However, I now plan to add a "Private-Version" field which will be an
arbitrary version label. So projects will be free to use whatever internal
versioning scheme they want, so long as they (or, more accurately, their
distribution tools) also translate it to a standard version for use with
version specifiers.

That's actually already the case, but the new field will make it clearer
and more transparent.


> cheers,
> Chris
> --
> Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
>             - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
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