Setuptools and Distribute are now merged, and the new home can be found at


Issues for Distribute are still being maintained at its old home, but
releases are now made from the 'distribute' fork on the setuptools repo.
Future releases of Distribute (if any) will be maintenance only.


The new setuptools, which is designed to be largely compatible both with
Distribute and Setuptools can now be downloaded on the 'downloads' page of
the PyPA site:


For those familiar with setuptools/distribute, the upgrade process is pretty
straightforward: remove your old versions of distribute and/or setuptools
and install the latest. To install the latest, extract the .tar.gz, and run in the target environment. Windows .msi installers have been
provided as well. will not yet work until the official release
is made to PyPI.


I encourage all of those with experience or interest in packaging to try out
the new setuptools in your environments. Test it against your tool chain.
Provide feedback and file issues in the project site.


This limited public release is provided as an advance release prior to the
full public release. Assuming there are no reported blocking issues, a final
0.7 release will be made to PyPI in the coming weeks.




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