On 6 August 2013 17:13, Noah Kantrowitz <n...@coderanger.net> wrote:
>> Also, CPAN, like Linux distro trees, can be mirrored with rsync rather
>> than needing a custom client. It's much easier to maintain backwards
>> compatibility when the only required server API is the ability to
>> serve static files.
> I will fight any attempt to do this with every fiber of my being. This kind 
> of "dumb server" API means that any metadata indexing or searching either 
> needs to be precomputed or implemented in a much more intelligent client. 
> This is already somewhat the case with pip, and as someone that has to deal 
> with multiple client implementations it makes me very sad that I can't just 
> call a REST endpoint to know what will be installed when I do a thing. This 
> is neither here nor there, but I wanted to stake out my grounds so I can 
> growl when people get too close :)

I agree having a smart server is good, I just think exposing a dumb,
easy to mirror, signed data store is good, too :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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