On 20 August 2013 11:25, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 August 2013 09:51, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1. Will the bundled pip go into the system site-packages or the user
> > site-packages? Does this depend on whether the user selects "install for
> all
> > users" or "install for just me"?
> If you have get-pip then why not choose at that point whether you want
> to install for the system or for all users e.g.: 'py -3.4 -m get-pip
> --user' (or perhaps reverse the default)?

That's not how get-pip is being proposed. It will run automatically on
installation of Python. If it were manually run, *and* if a --user flag was
included, then you would be correct.

> 2. If pip goes into system site-packages, what happens with the
> uninstaller?
> > It doesn't know about pip, so it won't uninstall Python cleanly. (Not a
> > major point, you can delete the directory manually after uninstalling,
> but
> > it's untidy). Maybe the uninstaller should just unconditionally delete
> all
> > of site-packages as well as whatever files it knows were installed. This
> is
> > a "normal" issue when installing into the system Python, but for people
> who
> > avoid that and use virtualenvs (e.g. me :-)) it's new (and annoying, as
> > we'll never use the system pip in any case...)
> Can you not just teach the Python installer to check for pip and
> remove it if found?

I'm not sure. That's my point, essentially. Who knows enough about the
Windows installer to do this correctly? If the answer is "nobody", then is
a best-efforts approach with some issues that we don't have anyone who
knows how to solve, an acceptable approach? Maybe it is, I'm not claiming
that this is a major issue, but we should note it in the PEP as a

> This raises another point - to an extent, I don't care about any of this,
> as
> > I routinely use virtualenvs. But if using pip to manage the system
> python is
> > becoming the recommended approach, I'd like to understand what precisely
> the
> > recommendation is so that I can see if it's better than what I currently
> do
> > - for instance, I've never used --user so I don't know if it will be of
> > benefit to me. I assume that this will go in the packaging user guide in
> due
> > course, but I don't know who will write it (does anyone have the relevant
> > experience? most people I know recommend virtualenv...)
> If I could install everything I wanted with pip then virtualenvs would
> be more practical. Maybe when wheel distribution becomes commonplace
> I'll start doing that. I basically always want to install a large
> number of third party packages before I do anything though.
> So for me the procedure on ubuntu is something like:
> 1) install ubuntu
> 2) sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib
> ipython python-sympy python-dev cython python-pygraph python-tables
> python-wxgtk2.8 python-pywt python-sphinx ...
> On Windows the procedure is:
> 1) Install Python
> 2) Get MSIs for numpy, scipy, wxPython, matplotlib, PyQt, numexpr, ...
> 3) Setup PATH or create a shell/batch script called 'python' that does
> the right thing.
> 4) Run ez_setup.py and Install pip
> 5) Patch distutils (http://bugs.python.org/issue12641)
> 6) Use pip for cython, sympy, ipython, pyreadline, spyder, sphinx,
> docutils, line_profiler, coverage, ...
> 7) Build and install my own commonly used private packages.
> 8) Get more prebuilt binaries for other awkward packages when
> necessary: pytables, numexpr, mayavi, ...
> (You can see why some people just install Python(x, y) or EPD right?)
> It takes quite a while to do all this and then I have basically all
> the packages I want minus a few pippable ones. At this point I don't
> really see the point in creating a virtualenv except to test something
> that I'm personally developing. Or am I missing something?


Yes, it's a pain. My experience is better because I don't use that many
packages that need binaries. For those that I do, I maintain a local cache
of wheels that I convert from bdist_wininst installers using "wheel
convert" and then pip install works for everything. This is a really slick
experience, but it relies on me maintaining my local repo, and having an
appropriate -i flag added to pip (or I put it in pip.ini). As I work on
multiple PCs, it's still fiddly (I put the cache on my skydrive for ease).

But yes, if I made extensive use of binary extensions, I'd hate this
approach. That's why I keep saying that the biggest win for wheels will be
when they become the common means of distributing Windows binaries on PyPI,
in place of wininst/msi.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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