On 20 August 2013 16:21, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20 August 2013 16:09, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> BTW is there any reason for numpy et al not to start distributing
>> wheels now? Is any part of the wheel
>> specification/tooling/infrastructure not complete yet?
> Not really. It's up to them to do so, though. Maybe their toolset makes that
> more difficult, I don't believe they use setuptools, for example - that's
> their problem, but it may not be one they are interested in solving :-(

They seem to be using setuptools commands here:

> The biggest issues outstanding are:
> 1. Script handling, which is a bit flaky still (but I don't think that
> affects numpy)

I think that they are responsible for installing the f2py script in
each of my Scripts directories. I never use this script and I don't
know what numpy wants with it (my understanding is that the Fortran
parts of numpy were all shifted over to scipy).

> 2. Tags (not in general, but AIUI numpy distribute a fancy installer that
> decides what compiled code to use depending on whether you have certain CPU
> features - they may want to retain that, and to do so may prefer to have
> more fine-grained tags, which in turn may or may not be possible to
> support). I don't think that's a critical issue though.

I guess this is what you mean:

Is there no way for them to run a post-install script when pip
installing wheels from PyPI?

> Getting numpy et al on board would be a huge win - if wheels can satisfy
> their needs, we could be pretty sure we haven't missed anything. And it gets
> a big group of users involved, giving us a lot more real world use cases.
> Feel like sounding the numpy community out on the idea?

Maybe. I'm not usually on their mailing lists but I'd be willing to
find out what they think. First I need to be clear that I know what
I'm talking about though!

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