Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I think that the installer ships variants for each architecture and
> decides at install time which to place on the target system. If that's
> the case then would it be possible for a wheel to ship all variants so
> that a post-install script could sort it out (rename/delete) after the
> wheel is installed?

It's not just about the architecture on the target system, it's also about
e.g. what libraries are installed on the target system. Files like
numpy/__config__.py and numpy/distutils/__config__.py are created at build
time, based on local conditions, and those files would then be written to
the wheel. On the installation machine, the environment may not be
compatible with those configurations computed on the build machine. Those
are the things I was talking about which may need moving from build-time to
run-time computations.


Vinay Sajip

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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