On 21 Aug 2013 20:40, "Paul Moore" <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21 August 2013 11:29, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com>
>> I may have misunderstood it but looking at this
>> I think that the installer ships variants for each architecture and
>> decides at install time which to place on the target system. If that's
>> the case then would it be possible for a wheel to ship all variants so
>> that a post-install script could sort it out (rename/delete) after the
>> wheel is installed?
> Wheel 1.0 does not have the ability to bundle multiple versions (and I
don't think tags are fine-grained enough to cover the differences numpy
need, which are at the "do you have the SSE instruction set?" level AIUI).
Multi-version wheels are a possible future extension, but I don't know if
anyone has thought about fine-grained tags.
> This is precisely the sort of input that the numpy people could provide
to make sure that the wheel design covers their needs.

I'm reasonably confident the wheel format *doesn't* meet the scientific
community's needs in the general case, and can't be made to do so without a
lot of additional complexity. That's why I explicitly support the
hashdist/conda approach which abandons some of the goals of pip and wheel
(notably, easier handling of security updates and easier conversion to
Linux distro packages) in order to better handle complex binary

>From the pip/wheel point of view, the conda ecosystem then becomes just
another downstream "system" package manager to interoperate with.


> Paul
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