On Oct 31, 2013, at 7:32 AM, anatoly techtonik <techto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why I am skeptical that new site will replace old one soon? Just
> because I don't believe in rewrites by one man army. When you develop
> public resource, you need to rely on external feedback.

Warehouse is live at https://preview-pypi.python.org/ (No landing page yet)

> You also need
> some designer guy in a team.

Have one who’ll have time in a few weeks to go over everything and make it 
really great :)

> You also need a backlog for
> collaboration. My ETA for new PyPI is no earlier than PyCon 2014 if
> Donald and Richard will be working on it full time.

Possibly! I’m unsure of how long it will take, it’s primarily Richard and I but 
we’ve a
few domain experts in particular pieces who have offered to help out as well 
we’re ready for their pieces.

> So, instead of
> all-or-nothing scenario I can try to find some help with incremental
> approach.

Mostly the problem with improving the current base is every change is 
dangerous. The code base is large, it’s untested, and it’s not very nice. It’s 
easy to break things by accident with seemingly unrelated change. Richard and I
have both done this multiple times. So every PR we accept has a danger of 
things. This incurs a high cognitive overload for accepting a PR because it 
means we
have to spin up a copy of the site and manually go through and test any feature 
think *might* be affected which typically catches most things but not always. 
It’s a time
and labor intensive process which none of us enjoy and which we’ve decided not 
prioritize unless the pay offs are large.

Donald Stufft
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