I think Wheels are the way forward for Python dependencies. Perhaps not for 
things like fortran. I hope that the scientific community can start publishing 
wheels at least in addition too. 

I don't believe that Conda will gain the mindshare that pip has outside of the 
scientific community so I hope we don't end up with two systems that can't 

> On Dec 2, 2013, at 7:00 PM, Chris Barker <chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> Side note about naming:
> I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure "Anoconda" is a python distribution -- 
> python itself and set of pre-build packages. "conda" is the package manager 
> that is used by Anoconda -- kind of like rpm is used by RedHat -- conda is an 
> open-source project, and thus could be used by any of us completely apart 
> from the Anoconda distribution.
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > had to resort to Google to try to figure out what dev libraries I needed.
>> But that's a *build* issue, surely? How does that relate to installing
>> Nikola from a set of binary wheels?
> Exactly -- I've mostly dealt with this for OS-X -- there are a cadre of users 
> that want binaries, and want them to "just work" -- we've had mpkg packages 
> for a good while, analogous to Windows installers. Binary eggs never worked 
> quite right, 'cause setuptools didn't understand "universal" binaries -- but 
> it wasn't that far from working. Not really tested much yet, but it ;looks 
> like binary wheels should be just fine. The concern there is that someone 
> will be running, say, a homebrew-built python, and accidentally install a 
> binary wheel built for the python.org python -- we should address that with 
> better platform tags (and making sure pip at least give a warning if you try 
> to install an incompatible wheel...)
> So what problem are we trying to solve here?
> 1) It's still a pain to actually build the packages -- similarly to Windows, 
> you really need to build the dependent libraries statically and link them in 
> - and you need to make sure that you build them with teh right sdk, and 
> universally -- this is hard to do right.
>   - does Conda help you do any of that???
> 2) non-python binary dependencies: As it turns out, a number of python 
> packages depend on the same third-party non-python dependencies: I have quite 
> a few that use libpng, libfreetype, libhdf, ??? currently if you want to 
> distribute binary python packages, you need to statically link or supply the 
> dlls, so we end up with multiple coples of the same lib -- is this a problem? 
> Maybe not -- memory is pretty cheap these days, and maybe different packages 
> actually rely on different versions of the dependencies -- this way, at least 
> the package builder controls that.
> Anoconda (the distribution  seems to address this by having conda packages 
> that are essentially containers for the shared libs, and other packages that 
> need those libs depend on them. I like this method, but it seems to me to be 
> more a feature of the Anoconda distribution than the conda package manager -- 
> in fact, I've been thinking of doing this exact same thing with binary wheels 
> -- I haven't tried it yet, but don't see why it wouldn't work.
>> I understand you are thinking about non-Python libraries, but all I
>> can say is that this has *never* been an issue to my knowledge in the
>> Windows world.
> yes, it's a HUGE issue in the Windows world -- in fact such a huge issue that 
> almost non one ever tries to build things themselves, or build a different 
> python distro -- so, in fact, when someone does make a binary, it's pretty 
> likely to work. But those binaries are a major pain to build!
> (by the way, over on python-dev there has been a recent discussion about 
> stackless building a new python2.7 windows binary with a newer MS compiler -- 
> which will then create exacty these issues...)
>> > Outside the scientific space, crypto libraries are also notoriously hard to
>> > build, as are game engines and GUI toolkits. (I guess database bindings
>> > could also be a problem in some cases)
>> Build issues again...
> Yes, major ones.
> (another side note: you can't get wxPython for OS-X to work with Anoconda -- 
> there is no conda binary package, and python itself is not built in a way 
> that it can access the window manager ... so no, this stuff in NOT suddenly 
> easier with conda.)
>> Again, can we please be clear here? On Windows, there is no issue that
>> I am aware of. Wheels solve the binary distribution issue fine in that
>> environment
> They will if/when we make sure that the wheel contains meta-data about what 
> compiler (really run-time version) was used for the python build and wheel 
> build -- but we should, indeed, do that.
>> > This is why I suspect there will be a better near term effort/reward
>> > trade-off in helping the conda folks improve the usability of their 
>> > platform
>> > than there is in trying to expand the wheel format to cover arbitrary 
>> > binary
>> > dependencies.
> and have yet anoto=her way to do it? AARRG! I'm also absolutely unclear on 
> what conda offers that isn't quite easy to address with binary wheels. And it 
> seems to need help too, so it will play better with virtualenv....
> If conda really is a better solution, then I suppose we could go deprecate 
> wheel before it gets too much "traction"...;-) But let's please not another 
> one to the mix to confuse people.
>> Excuse me if I'm feeling a bit negative towards this announcement.
>> I've spent many months working on, and promoting, the wheel + pip
>> solution, to the point where it is now part of Python 3.4.
> And I was really lookingn forward to it as a solution for OS-X too....
>> I'm hoping I've misunderstood here. Please clarify. Preferably with
>> specifics for Windows (as "conda is a known stable platform" simply
>> isn't true for me...) - I accept you're not a Windows user, so a
>> pointer to already-existing documentation is fine (I couldn't find any
>> myself).
> I appreciate the Windows viewpoint -- and I think we really do want one 
> solution for all.
> The linux distros already do all this let them keep doing it....
> -Chris
> PS: a number of scipy-related packages have been promoting Anoconda and 
> Canopy as a way to get their package without dealing with building (rather 
> than say, providing binary wheels). That works great for the SciPy Stack, but 
> has NOT worked well for others. My example:
> I'm teaching an Intro to Python class -- I really like iPython, so have been 
> using it for demos and recommend it to Students. The IPython web site makes 
> it look like you really need to go get Anaconda or Canopy if you want iPython 
> -- so a number of my students went and did that. All well. Until I did the 
> extra class on wxPython, and now I've got a bunch of students that have no 
> way to install it. And they mostly had no idea that they were running a 
> different Python at all...
> Anyway -- this is a mess, particularly on OS-X (now we have python binaries 
> from: Apple, python.org, fink, macports, homebrew, Anaconda, Canopy, ???) So 
> yes, we need a solution, but I think binary wheels are a pretty good one, and 
> I'm not sure what conda buys us...
> -- 
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
> Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception
> chris.bar...@noaa.gov
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