On 3 December 2013 22:18, Chris Barker <chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
>> Looks like the conda stack is built around msvcr90, whereas python.org
>> Python 3.3 is built around msvcr100.
>> So conda is not interoperable *at all* with standard python.org Python
>> 3.3 on Windows :-(
> again, Anaconda  the distribution, is not, but I assume conda, the package
> manager, is. And IIUC, then conda would catch that incompatibly if you tried
> to install incompatible packages. That's the whole point, yes? And this
> would help the recent concerns from the stackless folks about building a
> pyton binary for Windows with  a newer MSVC (see pyton-dev)

conda the installer only looks in the Anaconda repos (at the moment,
and by default - you can add your own conda-format repos if you have
any). So no, this *is* a problem with conda, not just Anaconda. And
no, it doesn't catch the incompatibility, which says something about
the robustness of their compatibility checking solution, I guess...

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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