On Jan 29, 2014, at 9:50 AM, Evgeny Sazhin <eug...@sazhin.us> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sa...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > Does it mean that it actually makes sense to look into that
> > direction and make wheel usage closer to jar?
> There is a parallel discussion going on, with the title "Using Wheel with 
> zipimport",
> which is relevant to this question, and other questions you raised (e.g. about
> supporting C extensions/pure-Python modules.
> I read all of it and got a bit lost in between the distil API and PEP process 
> discussion;)
> > I have no knowledge about c extensions scope, but i feel
> > like it might be of less importance then pure python
> > packaging issues? Am I wrong?
> A lot of Python users depend on C extensions - and while it is a subset of 
> all Python
> users, it is a large (and important) subset. Example: any usage of Python in
> numerical analysis or scientific applications involves use of C extensions.
> Regards,
> Vinay Sajip
> I can see that it might be quite beneficial to have virtualenv and pip 
> installing wheels locally for development needs, so here is what i was able 
> to come up with so far:
> I have one folder on NFS where all python developed stuff should be 
> *deployed* - pyhtonlib. It is impossible to use pip or virtualenv there - so 
> i'm bound to artifacts. The only way something can appear there is by using 
> the "release" program that knows how to put artifacts in specified locations. 
> Currently most of the stuff there is the .py modules and few eggs (some are 
> executable). But this stuff is not allowing for sane dependency management, 
> neither code reuse. I actually don't like the idea of specifying dependencies 
> in the code via sys.path. I think the resolved sys.path based on 
> requirements.txt is much better solution.
> So i'm looking for a solution that would allow to use the same artifact for 
> everything (like jar) so it can guarantee that the same subset of code that 
> was tested, goes to production and used in dev. Currently I'm leaning towards 
> using pip's capability to work with flat folders via --find-links, so i can 
> deploy wheels to the pythonlib and then reuse them in the development 
> environment.
> But in this setup how do i make my program executable from pythonlib 
> location? I think I should I create some smart runner script that would be 
> able to use the pip's dependency resolution, create the necessary sys.path 
> basing on the wheel requirements.txt and then my program wheel should have an 
> entry point like __main__.py
> As Nick pointed out the wheel is a superset of the egg - so I assume wheels 
> can be executable, correct? How do i achieve that?

Wheel is a package format. Packages are for transmitting and installing bits. 
If you want to make some kind of self-unpacking executable please do it with 
something built for it. makeself is an excellent choice for these.


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