On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:47 PM, Evgeny Sazhin <eug...@sazhin.us> wrote:

>> Wheel is a package format. Packages are for transmitting and installing 
>> bits. If you want to make some kind of self-unpacking executable please do 
>> it with something built for it. makeself is an excellent choice for these.
> I didn’t say anything about self-unpacking executable. Egg already knows to 
> do what is needed, so i was correct in expecting the wheel to do the same. 
> Plus the notion of packages for transmitting and installing should not 
> exclude the running and importing. Otherwise it is useless, at least for my 
> purposes. As discussed before - jar does that just fine and it is a package 
> format.
> Funny thing - wheel allows to do the same! Why would i want to use anything 
> else then???

Because Python is not Java and Wheels are not Jars. You’ll find very few 
packages actually support being run from a zipped file and the failure modes 
are not always obvious.

> Thanks,
> Eugene
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Donald Stufft
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