On 15 May 2014 01:07, "Donald Stufft" <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> I’ve just published a draft of PEP 470 - Using Multi Index Support for
External to PyPI Package File Hosting
> You can see this online at http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0470/ or
read below

For the record: I reviewed Donald's initial draft of this PEP and did some
light copy editing when adding it to the PEPs repo, so this PEP can be
taken as reflecting my perspective as well.

Of the two currently implemented external hosting mechanisms, the "multiple
indexes" model is more general, more explicit, easier to implement, much
easier to explain and has much cleaner failure modes than the link
spidering mechanism. The only missing piece is automated external index
discovery, so adding that is included as part of this PEP. That federated
discovery mechanism then clears the way for eventually dropping the link
spidering mechanism (and all its associated complexity and complications)

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