On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> For the record, CPAN and npm both have similar things allowing someone to
> take
> over an abandoned project.
> I don’t believe ruby gems has an official policy and it appears that they
> are hesitant
> to do this form the threads I’ve seen (Though they mentioned doing it for
> _why).

Good information.
> Most of the Linux distros have some mechanism for someone to claim that a
> particular
> package in the distro is no longer maintained and to attempt to take it
> over, though
> is somewhat different.
yeah, I come from distro land but I'm hesitant to point directly at
any of our documented policies on this because there are some
differences between being a bunch of people working together to make a
set of curated and integrated packages vs a loosely associated group
of developers who happen to use a shared namespace within a popular
service.  All distros I can think of have some sort of self-governance
whereas pypi is more akin to a bunch of customers making use of a
service.  Some of the distro policies don't apply very well in this
space.  Some do, however, so I hope other people who are familiar with
their distros will also filter the relevant policy ideas from their
realms and put them forward.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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