On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Randy Syring <ra...@thesyrings.us> wrote:
> I'd like to pick up a conversation that was happening on another thread:
> I've only been on this list for about a year. This PEP (and others
> like it) has been in motion for quite a while. I think the blog would
> miss far more people than the mailing list would and I'm not sure I
> agree with "how quickly things change". There doesn't seem to be much
> content for the blog and it seems like something that would just
> become neglected. What topics do you really think would be better
> suited for a blog post than a message to here and related announcement
> lists?
> The blog posts could automatically get copied over to
> Twitter and mailing lists using e.g. IFTTT, and it would
> be possible to subscribe using RSS/Atom feeds.
> The advantage of a blog is having news entries persist and be
> easy to find, while at the same time simplifying the whole
> publishing process.
> Anyway, just a suggestion.
> pypa.io also says:
> They host projects on github and bitbucket, and discuss issues on the
> pypa-dev and distutils-sig mailing lists.
> I think the issue with the current mailing lists is one of signal-to-noise
> ratio.  Let me give you a little background:
> I maintain a small number of pypi published packages.  I'm very interested
> in using best practices and keeping up with the more significant changes in
> the Python packaging ecosystem.  I joined the distutils-sig list to stay
> informed.
> However, the more detailed discussions that happen on the distutils-sig list
> are not of much value to me.  I know they are important and I very much
> appreciate those who are pushing things forward, it's just too much detail
> for my context.
> So, I'm on the distituls-sig list, but there is a lot of "noise" for me and
> not much "signal."  I would rather be a part of some channel for receiving
> announcements that relate to the broader community of those who maintain &
> release packages and need to stay abreast of python packing ecosystem & best
> practice changes.
> Therefore, I'd like to propose something like a packaging-announce mailing
> list.  This could be linked to the PyPA Twitter account.

Just to clarify, PyPA doesn't have a Twitter account yet, right?

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