On 10/06/2015 04:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> ...How are tests supposed to be a problem here, while they
> usually have so few dependencies of their own?
>> If you have to bend over backwards (to install the test dependencies)
> While some packages may have non-trivial test dependencies, usual
> practice is for test suites to require the exact same dependencies as
> the rest of the package, + perhaps a test runner.
> Since we're talking about good practice for the average package, it's
> not very useful to point out that 0.1% of PyPI packages may have
> excruciatingly annoying test dependencies.

I think this discussion could probably do with fewer unsupported
assertions about what is "usual" -- it's clear that experiences in
different parts of the community vary widely.

Speaking personally and anecdotally, I maintain 15 or so projects on
PyPI, and every single one of them has at least three or four test-only
dependencies; not just a test runner, but also testing utilities of one
kind or another (e.g. the mock backport for Python 2). So my personal
percentage of "packages with more than one test-only dependency" is not
0.1%, it's 100%.

I don't have any idea what the real percentage is on PyPI, and wouldn't
hazard a guess. I'm fairly sure you don't know either.


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