On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Ronny Pfannschmidt <
opensou...@ronnypfannschmidt.de> wrote:

> Instead of overtaking,
> how about clearly marking packages as abandoned/maintained clearly
> pointing out the mark was imposed by community action

I think that would be a good idea -- and maybe start with just that -- then
we'd learn how big an issue it really was, etc.

>  and listing potential/primary replacements

that required real work on someone's part -- so not sure when that would
actually happen.

> its important that community imposed abandonment is not simply removable
> by doing a minor "noop"-release,

why not? I brought tis all up to address truly abandoned projects -- maybe
we want to go some day to the idea of the names being community owned, but
that's not the way ti is now -- and if someone makes the effort to do a
noop release, then they have no abandoned the name -- maybe aren't
maintaining it worth a damn, but there you go.

Personally, I think there is no point in anything between the current free
for all, and a "curated" package repo -- a curated repo would support the
idea that anything on it had met some minimum standard: no malware, some
maintenance, some minimum usefulness, etc.

It's kind of a shame that there are so many "toy" packages and experiments
on PyPi, but in fact, it's worked pretty darn well..

pip could warn on installation/update

I think that would be good too



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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