On 5 May 2016 at 13:36, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's the kind of thing that you should expect. Someone will write
> setup.cfg:
> [bootstrap_requires]
> pbr
> pip installs pbr in a directory that is added to PYTHONPATH for that build.

Ah, so we don't install into the environment, just to a temporary
location which we add to PYTHONPATH. That is indeed a much better
approach than what I assumed, as it avoids any messing with the user's
actual environment. (We may need to be a bit more clever than just
adding the temporary directory to PYTHONPATH, to ensure that what we
install *overrides* anything in the user's environment, such as a
newer version of setuptools, but that's just implementation details).

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