On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 1:09 PM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> But, the plan *is* to make wheels the standard way to build packages --
> that will be in the next pep :-). I'm not sure I'd call it "lock down",
> because there's nothing that will stop you running setup.py bdist_rpm or
> whatever. But our goal is to reach the point where package authors get a
> choice of what build system to use, and there's no guarantee that every
> build system will implement bdist_rpm.
> hmm -- this really feels like mingling packaging and building.

Does making sure everything builds a wheel help systems like rpm and the
like? Honestly I have no idea.

I do know that conda is very is very much designed to not care at all how a
package is build or installed, as long as it can be installed -- so if a
wheel is built and then that wheel is installed, that all the same to conda.

But is that the case for everything else?

I absolutely agree that we shouldn't expect a bdist_rpm and the like -- in
fact, those should all be deprecated.

but maybe a "install" that goes from source to installed package, without
passing through a wheel?

or maybe not -- I really don't know rpm or deb or anything else well enough
to know.

> So, the plan is to require all build systems to be able to output wheels,
> and then debian or conda-build or whoever will convert the wheel into
> whatever final package format they want.
easy for conda -- not sure about the others....

hmm -- homebrew builds from source, so as long as you have a way to install
the wheel you built, it'll be fine (much like conda, but without ever
making a package)



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