On Jul 26, 2016, at 01:24 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

>The PSF has considered this, but there's not a lot of value we could
>provide above and beyond other organisations that already do this for
>open source projects in general. For example:
>- Software Freedom Conservancy
>- Software in the Public Interest
>- Outercurve Foundation

The Free Software Foundation also runs a donation program, and GNU Mailman has
benefited from this to some extent.  They do take a healthy cut, which is okay
with us because it helps fund their own programs and administrative costs.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all developers can or want to accept
donations.  It can cause tax and employment headaches.  But in GNU Mailman's
case, having donations go to a project-centric fund has allowed us to help pay
for travel and Pycon attendance for our GSoC students, at least one of which
has since become a core developer.  At our size, that's been way more valuable
to the project than paying individual developers.


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