> On Aug 28, 2017, at 3:32 PM, Thomas Kluyver <tho...@kluyver.me.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017, at 08:20 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
>> Maybe we go fully to Nick's proposal that we don't mandate any sort of
>> consistency constraints in the PEP. That would mean pip *has* to go
>> sdist->wheel (because pip does need consistent behaviour), and
>> xoviat's setuptools backend can skip building a sdist on the way to
>> building a wheel. It also means that the build_wheel hook is
>> essentially unreliable in isolation, and that all frontends will
>> likely have to do the build_sdist->build_wheel with fallback to
>> inplace build_wheel dance that pip does. But we expect many less
>> frontends than backends, so maybe that's the right trade-off?
> I've mentioned this before, but I have little faith in our ability to
> predict that one side of an interface will be far more numerous than the
> other. This is partly from my experience with Jupyter, where we got that
> prediction completely wrong. But I also think it's quite plausible that
> many frontend tools will want to use this interface (to argue against
> myself, most will be Python tools, so they could theoretically share a
> common wrapper module - but I have some doubts about whether they will).
> I'm not saying we shouldn't do this - as Donald is firmly in favour and
> you're wavering, it seems the easier option to wrap the discussion up.
> But I'm suspicious of the rationale that *there will be fewer frontends
> so they should have more responsibility*.

I don’t see anything wrong with saying *both* sides should be doing this when 
they can. Backends should attempt to be consistent where possible— while 
recognizing that is not 100% possible in every situation (for instance, flit 
when you’re in an archive from github.com <http://github.com/> w/o .git).

Likewise front ends should decide how important that is to them, which can 
range from “not important at all, YOLO” that just blindly calls build_wheel, to 
“We’d like it, but we aren’t going to mandate it” that calls build_sdist and 
falls back to build_wheel, and “We think this is a hard requirement” that calls 
build_sdist and fails if it can’t.

My proposal isn’t exactly that I don’t trust the backends, it is that we don’t 
really know what the landscape is going to look at. Thus this proposal allows 
us to implement all three possible options without changing anything without 
mandating something that isn’t feasible (all backends must always be 100% 
consistent all the time).

It would then be my desire that pip starts off with a pretty safe middle 
ground, try to build a sdist and fall back to directly building wheels that (A) 
helps to prevent issues where backends may have bugs or inadvertently are 
violating the ideal of a consistent build and (B) succeeds in most cases, even 
if (A) can’t be satisfied. Since we have flexibility we can then watch what 
happens, and if we find that a lot of problems are cropping up from 
inconsistent builds, then we can start talking about moving to mandating going 
via sdist OR if we find that the crop of build tools do a really good job and 
we think that we don’t really need the sanity check, migrate to just going 
straight to wheel.

I think this is pretty important too, because how you want to handle not being 
able to create a sdist is going to be fairly task specific. Obviously if you 
can’t produce a sdist for a hypothetical ``twine sdist`` or ``pip sdist`` 
command, that is going to be a hard failure, but for ``pip install`` or ``pip 
wheel``, then there is a pretty reasonable argument that a fallback or straight 
to wheel is the correct answer.

I also believe it is fundamentally impossible for the backends to guarantee 
consistency if they have a separate list for what gets installed vs what gets 
put into a sdist without literally building a sdist (or something similar)— and 
as I understand it one of the issues with that is that the tools don’t want to 
mandate being able to do that same logic in all situations. So I don’t think it 
works to say “You *must* ensure a consistent output, and I think the only thing 
we can do is say that you *SHOULD* try to be consistent, and leave it up to 
front ends to decide how seriously they take that as a requirement.

Donald Stufft

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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