> On Sep 21, 2018, at 10:12, Brett Cannon <br...@python.org> wrote:
> On Fri., Sep. 21, 2018, 06:12 Tzu-ping Chung, <uranu...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:uranu...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I agree with you about Pipfile. It is likely not something pip would not 
> directly install packages based on. pip could potentially add a “lock” 
> command that is able to generate a Pipfile.lock from Pipfile, or even start 
> work in a fashion like npm etc., but conceptually, pip would only install 
> things based on Pipfile.lock, and if it takes a Pipfile, it’s used to 
> generate a Pipfile.lock (and maybe install from that).
> Regarding the format of Pipfile.lock, the proposal of it being less 
> tool-specific is interesting to me. Brett also touched on a similar 
> proposition a while ago that maybe we could standardise a common lock file 
> format (shared by Pipenv and Poetry in the context of the time), and I think 
> it is a nice idea, too.
> On the other hand, there are many other application dependency management 
> tools out there, and as far as I know none of them actually have a lock file 
> format with interoperability. JavaScript, for example, has maybe the most 
> bipartisan state in that area (in npm and Yarn), and I don’t recall reading 
> anything of this nature at all. I’m not saying this is wrong, but it’s 
> interesting that Python, being relatively behind in this particular area, has 
> this somewhat unique proposal here. (Again, this does not imply it’s either 
> good or bad, just unique.) 
> So my motivation behind suggesting a standardized lockfile is my experience 
> of having to deal with Node's two options. Either you end up alienating the 
> subset of Node users who chose the other tool with the different lockfile or 
> you have to put in extra effort to make sure to support both.
> I can give 2 concrete examples. One is I wrote a tool to generate the 
> 3rd-party notices file for the Python extension for VS Code. Originally we 
> were using Yarn, but then it turned out an internal tool at work only 
> supported npm, so I had to choose to either not use the internal tool or 
> switch us to npm (we did the latter because it turned out that 
> package-lock.json is easier to work with for our use-case). Having a single 
> format means tooling can be reused and this forcing function doesn't exist.
> The other example is serverless/PaaS cloud deployments. To support Python in 
> that scenario you typically install dependencies upon deployment. So that 
> means detecting and then using requirements.txt files on the cloud side. But 
> then users ask for Pipfile.lock support. And the next request will be for 
> pyporject.lock support for Poetry (and this exact scenario has happened to me 
> at work when teams have asked for my opinion of what requirements file 
> formats to support). Basically you are constantly trying to keep up with what 
> the community is using which is tough to gauge. Having a single lock format 
> means providers only need to support the one format and tools can come and 
> go, innovating however they want as long as they produce the same artifact in 
> the end (just like we have standardized on wheels while letting libraries 
> have build tool flexibility through pyproject.toml).
> IOW I view libraries as having a build artifact of wheels while applications 
> (should) have a build artifact of a lockfile.
> -Brett

On that note, specifically because pyproject.lock is not standardized, Poetry 
is changing it's lock file name to poetry.lock so that it is clear where the 
lock file is coming from and what it is meant to be consumed by.

Having a standardized lock file would be nice if only so that I can lock with 
poetry and install with pip for example. Or create a lock file with pipenv and 
install with pip. This'll make it easier to deploy applications that don't need 
the full source code available and don't require tools like pipenv or poetry 
since we have wheels available.

The way we've been doing this at work is to lock our packages on our own pypi 
mirror (devpi), and making sure that poetry/pipenv/pip freeze 
(requirements.txt) lock file is used to populate said pypi. 

It's not the greatest, but it works okay-ish, having a single lock file would 
be great.

We have both libraries and applications create wheels though, especially since 
our applications may also contain Cython and we don't want to compile on 

> An extremely generic name like requirements.lock is probably not a good idea, 
> since it is not uncommon for a project to require multiple package managers 
> (e.g. for multiple languages), and it would be a disaster if everyone uses 
> generic names. If not tool-specific (e.g. yarn.lock), the name should at 
> least be context-specific, like… I don’t know, pyproject? But that is taken 
> :p (This is intentionally rhetoric to touch on the 
> we-should-use-pyproject-for-this camp. To be clear: I am not in that camp, 
> that’s likely a bad idea unless we rethink the whole application-library 
> distinction Python packaging makes.)
> TP
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
> From: Paul Moore <mailto:p.f.mo...@gmail.com>
> Sent: 21 September 2018 20:16
> To: Nick Coghlan <mailto:ncogh...@gmail.com>
> Cc: Michael Merickel <mailto:mmeri...@gmail.com>; Bert JW Regeer 
> <mailto:xiste...@0x58.com>; Distutils <mailto:distutils-sig@python.org>
> Subject: [Distutils] Re: Distlib vs Packaging (Was: disable building wheel 
> fora package)
> On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 11:41, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ncogh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 21 Sep 2018 at 05:47, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io 
> > <mailto:don...@stufft.io>> wrote:
> > > On Sep 20, 2018, at 3:35 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com 
> > > <mailto:p.f.mo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > > I don't think anyone's even spoken to the pip maintainers (yet?) about
> > > supporting the pipfile format
> > >
> > > That comes from me, I initially wrote the Pipfile as a proof of concept / 
> > > sketch of an API for replacing the requirements.txt format, which Kenneth 
> > > took and created pipenv from. At some point I plan on trying to push 
> > > support for those ideas back into pip (not the virtual environment 
> > > management bits though). That’s obviously my personal goal though, and 
> > > doesn’t represent an agreed upon direction for pip.
> > 
> > And it's one where I think there are a couple of different levels of
> > support that are worth considering:
> > 
> > Q. Should pip support installing from Pipfile.lock files as well as
> > requirements.txt files?
> > 
> > A. Once the lock file format stabilises, absolutely, since this is
> > squarely in pip's "component installer" wheelhouse.
> > 
> > Q. Should "pip install" support saving the installed components to a
> > Pipfile, and then regenerating Pipfile.lock?
> > 
> > A. This is far less of a clearcut decision, as managing updates to a
> > file that's intended to be checked in to source control is where I
> > draw the line between "component installer" and
> > "application/environment dependency manager".
> Speaking as a pip developer:
> Where's there a good summary of the pipfile format, the pipfile.lock
> format, and their relationship and contrast with requirements.txt? I
> don't view https://github.com/pypa/pipfile <https://github.com/pypa/pipfile> 
> as a "good summary",
> because it explicitly states that pipfile is intended to *replace*
> requirements.txt, and I disagree strongly with that.
> Also, pipfile is human-readable, but pipfile.lock isn't. As far as I
> know, pipfile.lock is currently generated solely by pipfile - before
> pip consumes pipfile.lock, I'd like to see that format discussed and
> agreed as a formal interop standard that any tools wanting to pass
> data to pip (for the use case the standard describes) can use. One
> obvious thing I'd like to consider is changing the name to something
> less tool-specific - requirements.lock maybe?
> As far as the pipfile format is concerned, I see that more as pipenv's
> human readable input file that is used to *generate* the lock file,
> and I don't see it as something pip should consume directly, as that
> would mean pip overlapping in functionality with pipenv.
> If I'm misunderstanding the relationship between pip and pipenv, or
> between pipenv and pipfile, I'm happy to be corrected. But can I
> suggest that the best way to do so would be to amend the project pages
> that are giving me the impressions I have above, and pointing me at
> the corrected versions? That way, we can make sure that any
> misinformation is corrected at source...
> Paul
> PS Full disclosure - I've tried to use pipenv in a couple of local
> projects, because of the hype about it being the "great new thing" and
> found it basically of no use for my requirements/workflow. So I may
> have a biased view of either pipenv, or how it's being presented. I'm
> trying to be objective in the above, but my bias may have slipped
> through.
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