What do namespaces offer over forking, diffing, reviewing the latest
commits, and installing from your GH fork URL commit hash?

When I try to install 'westurner/pip' and 'pip' is already installed, what
should it do?

Should pypa/setuptools_scm include the namespace in the version tag?

If my concerns include integrity and availability in a risky environment,
why rely upon PyPI for hosting (manylinux2010 binary) wheels at all? (You
can run warehouse and/or devpi on-prem and keep that upgraded and baselined)

Will pip throw an exception if my local warehouse or devpi package isn't
signed with 'a key recognized by upstream'?

On Monday, May 6, 2019, Dave Ashby via Distutils-SIG <
distutils-sig@python.org> wrote:

> Good evening distutils-sig-
> TL;DR: today during the Python Packaging Summit/Sprint I broached the
> topic of introducing namespaces on PyPi with several of the luminaries in
> the PyPA ecosystem. After much discussion I think we concluded that there’s
> general support for the idea, but quite a number of devils in the details
> that would need worked out. I’ve tried to capture much of the relevant
> discussion on in the associated thread on discuss.python.org
> <https://discuss.python.org/t/namespace-support-in-pypi/1609> (including
> a first-pass at a draft PEP
> <https://gist.github.com/vadave/f1f2d07f5e355c6263fc111aae634ea5>) Please
> join in the conversation about whether/how namespaces should be implemented
> in PyPi.
> Detail:
> The namespaces discussion had actually come up before the transition to
> warehouse[1], but at the time it was deferred due to the effort associated
> with that migration. Now that Warehouse is in a better place, it seems like
> it’s time to reinvigorate this discussion. Most other programming languages
> have some type of namespace construct that can be used to help better
> manage the supply chain integrity. As I see it namespaces have the
> potential to provide significant value to **both** package maintainers
> and package consumers. For package maintainers it potentially offers a
> higher-level of control over packages they are responsible for maintaining.
> For package consumers it potentially offers a cleaner mechanism for “at a
> glance” recognition of the source of a particular package (e.g. whether the
> package is vendor-developed vs. community-developed or has a formal
> relationship with some larger group like PyData).
> With all that said, my personal goal is for this PEP to serve kind of a
> foundational role. I **don’t want** to try to exhaustively define all the
> different scenarios that namespaces can/should be used to enable. I **do
> want** namespaces to become a clear security-boundary that can be used in
> “high compliance” environments to make security-related risk decisions. And
> lastly, I **definitely don’t want** to replace the current global
> namespace…..I view this as a complement, not a replacement to the current
> situation.
> Finally, as this is my first post to this list I’ll offer the obligatory
> “new guy” introduction. I started using Python about 4 years ago, so I
> still consider myself a relative newbie. For my day job I’m an independent
> consultant working with what I call “high compliance” customers…..folks
> that really, really care about security and have lots of process baked
> around how they manage security risk within their organization. I’m based
> in Fairfax, VA. Most of what I do from day-to-day **is not** writing
> python code, but rather working issues around IT architecture and
> governance (with a general focus around enabling infrastructure such as
> cloud services and devops tooling).
> Thanks to all the folks that offered their time and opinions on this topic
> today. I look forward to continued dialogue on this, and welcome any ideas
> or cautions folks may have about making this a reality. And remember:
> “Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!”
> -d
> [1] Original feature request for adding namepsaces support:
> https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/2589
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