I have a python dev team that I support in our local jenkins/artifactory 
environment.  Recently this team switched over from an old local pypi legacy 
repository to a current pypi remote/virtual of pypi.org.  So we could get them 
updated libraries and such. Anyway, I am banging my head to explain the time 
taken for reading the simple index.  This index is about 11MB, takes 1 second 
to download itself, but then it takes ~30 seconds for setuptools to scan this 
and find the package it's looking for.  Multiple this by the ~170 libraries 
they have in requirements, and the build has gone from 30minutes to almost 3 
hours.  And 90% comes from reading the simple index for each dependency.

Here's a sample output with timestamps
00:57:00.036 Searching for tenacity==4.8.0
00:57:00.037 Reading 
00:57:27.650 Reading 
00:57:27.881 Downloading 
00:57:28.037 Best match: tenacity 4.8.0
00:57:28.037 Processing tenacity-4.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
00:57:28.038 Installing tenacity-4.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl to 
00:57:28.069 writing requirements to 
00:57:28.114 Installed 

Note the time on the first Reading.  I'm hoping there is some obvious simple 
solution to make this faster.
Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated?

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