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From: "Jo Walsh" <metaz...@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 10, 2014 4:29 AM
Subject: Re: [diversity-talk] OSM code of conduct: starting points
To: "Paul Norman" <penor...@mac.com>

Oh, i don't mean to suggest that the Code is only a symbolic move - but
that it is also a symbolic move.
 On Oct 9, 2014 10:26 PM, "Paul Norman" <penor...@mac.com> wrote:

> On 10/8/2014 8:49 PM, Jo Walsh wrote:
>> Okay, my gloss on this is that the Code of Conduct is a kind of
>> shibboleth and a kind of insurance policy.
>> You need one in order to be seen taking this stuff seriously
> The argument raised recently was that having a CoC helps diversity, and is
> not a symbolic move.
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