
One reason for not importing these data is the possibility that it includes 
locations of safe houses for women fleeing domestic violence. That's why it is 
important to research the data to make sure it does not contain locations of 
secure facilities.
I don't know if that is the case with this data, but it's important to be sure.


Charlotte Wolter

927 18th Street #A

Santa Monica, California



M: 310-663-3699

From: Simon Poole <>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2019 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Diversity-talk] Import of information and care points in 
Catalunya, Spain

While I'm not quite sure why these locations couldn't be surveyed
instead of being imported from a third party with completely unclear
quality, the more important question is, given the potentially sensitive
nature of the information, have the entities in question been asked if
they are OK with the integration in OSM (which from a visibility POV is
very different from being registered in an obscure government database)?


Am 09.03.2019 um 19:21 schrieb Rory McCann:
> Might be interesting to some here
> On 07.03.19 21:32, Lanxana . wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'd like to get feedback on my plan for import the information and
>> care points for women and LGTBI collectives in Catalunya, Spain. This
>> importation will be an act to celebrate 8M 2019 and the second
>> aniverary of GeoChicas.
>> The import had been discussed on talk-es list and you can see the
>> import plan here:
>> If there are no objections, the import would start from March 15.
>> Thanks
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