Many years ago, the folks working on the httpd docs decided to consolidate the voice that was being used in the docs, and switched to addressing the user/admin, using "you", rather than speaking of the user in the third person (he, she, they). (I've been away from the httpd docs for a few years, and I do not know if this practice has continued. I should have a look.)

This has the dual advantage of avoiding the need for the weird, awkward, random switching between genders in examples and phrasing, and also focuses you on thinking of the reader as you write. Who are they? What are they trying to accomplish in this moment?

"Conscious language" is more than just avoiding troublesome words. It's about making conscious, intentional choices of words and phrases that are the *best* for the situation. Which is, of course, why simple "switch this word with that word" replacement lists are insufficient.

On 5/7/21 2:27 PM, Craig Russell wrote:

This part is not optimal for me:
Gendered pronouns
Try using epicene (gender-neutral) pronouns such as 'they', 'them', 'one'.
OR mix it up, use both he and she in the documentation at random(?)

I have not seen any cases where "they", "them", or "one" is insufficient. I'd probably 
add "their" to the list.

So I'd remove the "OR mix it up" bullet point. [We just made this change in the Bylaws Amendment II and never needed anything except for "they", 
"them", or "their".]


On May 7, 2021, at 6:29 AM, Daniel Gruno <> wrote:

On 07/05/2021 15.23, Daniel Gruno wrote:
We are also working elsewhere on a list of alternative terms to many tech 
words, at
 - this might be locked off for many people, so I'll aim at bringing this into 
the EDI wiki later this week.

I did a quick copy+paste, and it is now public at:

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