I enabled it in the runserver function of management.py for the tests,
since I've done them on the builtin server.

I just finished testing it with FCGI and it gives a 2x speed gain after
enabling it in the WSGIHandler.  I posted a patch with it

Hopefuly someone will add it to the trunk :)  I'm going to test it on
all my pages in a minute and then enable on all my servers.  Maybe the
load will go down to 50 from 100 now :)

Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2006, at 6:46 AM, Wojtek/brandlay.com wrote:
> > without psyco:
> >          265822 function calls (207471 primitive calls) in 3.547 CPU
> > seconds
> > with psyco:
> >          66865 function calls (63420 primitive calls) in 1.457 CPU
> > seconds
> >
> > So basically - if you want a quick Django - use psyco :)
> Wow, that's pretty impressive... Did you just turn psyco on
> wholesale, or was there anything else you needed to do to get it
> working?
> Jacob, who's now thinking of turning psyco on for his servers...

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