The more I think about it, the more I find I have two objections to
the auto-escaping stuff.

1. A philosophical objection. One thing Django does, and does pretty
well IMHO, is encourage best practices. Pretty much every aspect of
Django, from the overall architecture of the framework to the workings
of individual bits, involves some sort of explicit "this is a good way
to do things"; whether it's the loose coupling of the major components
or little things like encouraging the use of HttpResponseRedirect
after a POST, we do our best not to magically enforce these practices,
but to explain why they _are_ best practices and why you should take
advantage of our support for them. The result is that people both use
_and_ understand these best practices, which makes them better
developers and leads them to build better apps. Any form of
automatically-enabled escaping would be a serious break with this, and
would move us out of the realm of "this is a good way to do it" into
"this is what we say is the right way to do it, and we're going to try
to make you do it this way". I don't like that.

2. A security objection. Escaping content on output is only half the
battle; there's no such thing as a truly secure web application, and
escaping content on output glosses that over by pretending that a
magic incantation will solve XSS problems. The best practice for
securing against XSS also involves, at the very least, doing input
sanitization as well -- relying on output escaping alone both concedes
that malicious users can get what they want into your database, and
creates a single point of failure. If there's a bug in the escaping
system, or if someone forgets to use the correct escaping commands,
then the unsafe data that was stored can be sent down the wire to
wreak havoc. If input sanitization is in use as well, that's one more
layer of protection that can keep unsafe data from ever getting to the

So, here's a proposal:

Let's implement the escaping system -- off by default -- and play up
that any time you're outputting something which came from a
non-trusted source you should escape it. Some people will likely
continue to rely on selective application of the existing 'escape'
filter, but there are bound to be situations where a block tag is a
better solution so the flexibility of having both will be good.

And while we're at it, let's get serious about input handling. The
first thing which occurs to me is to add a 'hasNoHTML' validator in
django.core.validators; possibly this would be accompanied by a
boolean 'allows_html' argument to TextFields and CharFields, or maybe
we just advertise judicious use of validator_list. Either way, the
documentation should emphasize as strongly as possible that it exists
and should be used.

And above and beyond that, I think we really need a well-written
security best-practices document which would cover escaping and input
validation as well as other factors. There are plenty of things within
Django that can be done to enhance security, and there are plenty of
non-Django things that users can implement to supplement that (e.g.,
if you're using Apache, get mod_security). It'd be great to mention
those and provide some concrete examples of how to use them

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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